Browse the latest BMW deals, including BMW PCP deals, new car offers and exclusive Lloyd BMW offers, to make owning your new car as simple, convenient and affordable as possible.


BMW Deals
Our exclusive Lloyd BMW deals and offers are competitive and tailored to suit every budget. Once you have decided you want a new BMW car, we aim to ensure that owning it is as simple, convenient and affordable as possible. All of our BMW offers are focused on helping you get behind the wheel of the BMW of your choice.
Browse our offers here or visit one of our BMW retail centres in Blackpool, Carlisle, Cockermouth, Colne, Newcastle, North Tyneside or the South Lakes - serving Cumbria, Lancashire and the North East. We invite you to browse our latest vehicles in our showrooms and on our forecourts for sales. We are encouraging appointments for customers who might want to test drive a car.
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